RubiBlue looks to intelligent automation solutions for African business

Driving business productivity and growth with smart solutions

RubiBlue, intelligent business solutions provider, is looking to automation technologies to enhance its service offerings to clients across Africa. The intelligent capabilities of automation fit neatly within the RubiBlue's capabilities and form part of the organisation's ethos to deliver creative solutions using the latest technologies.

"Automation leads to reduced costs and results in improved service delivery to the consumer," explains Chris Ogden, Managing Director, RubiBlue. "These technologies can automate mundane tasks and thereby streamline business operations. It is also a relatively cost-effective technology that allows for organisations to tap into the potential of these solutions and see long-term results."

With its expertise in providing a broad range of clients with specialised IT services, RubiBlue is uniquely placed to work with customers in designing automation solutions that suit their needs. In addition, the organisation has been paying attention to the trends currently impacting the market and has developed competitive pricing models alongside technologies that provide impressive service delivery.

"Chatbots are a very powerful tool that, when used correctly, can simplify certain tasks and even help originate new business," adds Ogden. "These solutions can allow for generic Q&A to take place automatically, thereby improving customer interactions, but freeing up people to handle more complex queries or issues. This is proving to be extremely popular, especially in the larger corporate arena as it allows for these companies to maximise efficiency and turnaround for customer engagements."

The smaller organisation is also able to benefit from automation technologies such as chatbots as the pricing structures and capabilities of the tools are more competitively priced than ever before.

"Automation is a core focus point for the business today as it delivers numerous benefits across customer service, cost savings and growth," concludes Ogden. "With our thorough understanding of the market and its potential, we can work with clients to develop intelligent solutions that provide automation of anything from policy origination, to payment channels, to managing frequently asked question channels."

To find out more about RubiBlue and how it can work with your business to create intelligent technology, visit, call 27 (0) 861 48 48 99, or email

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